Flu shots (and Flu Mist for healthy kids 5 years and over) ARE AVAILABLE NOW! They are now recommended for everyone 6 months and over, with the “at high risk” patients getting first priority. These include children with asthma, diabetes, heart defects, and any child 6 months to 2 years old. Despite what many believe, you CANNOT get the flu (INFLUENZA) from the Flu Shot. However, only certain strains of flu are in the vaccine each year, and since this virus has a tendency to mutate, you could become ill with other “flu” strains or viruses that cause flu-like symptoms. You may bring your child in during shot hours (including Saturdays, but it will be busy!), or inquire about it at the next check up. You can get the flu shot with other immunizations. FOR MORE INFO ON: the FLU SHOT, MENACTRA, HEP A, Avian Flu: CLICK HERE!
Many of you have inquired about Gardasil (the vaccine against Human Papilloma Virus, which is known to cause Cervical Cancer) It is NOW AVAILABLE at our office. Anthem and Humana are reimbursing for it if you have coverage for preventive vaccinations (it is a three shot series) and hopefully others will follow suit, but for now we are asking that you pay us directly before receiving it and then bill your insurance to get reimbursed. We feel it is important to be able to offer it to our patients, but simply cannot afford to stock it when we aren’t sure what (or when) insurance is going to reimburse for it. FOR MORE INFO ON: GARDASIL CLICK HERE!
Other news:
The school forms you receive with your checkups are included in the checkup. However, if you need extra forms filled out due to loss or other reasons, you will be charged an extra fee to cover the extra cost to reproduce those forms. We also are charging when we are asked to fill out forms or write letters for patients that require more than a few checks and a signature. Please fill out as much as you can before you give them to us to decrease the cost and turnaround time for completion.